Thursday, December 31, 2015

Results for Americans

Results for America Together Foundation, World Muslim Congress and the Foundation for Pluralism. 

There are many outcomes we desire.  Here is what we have done and continue to do, and if this appeals to you, we ask your support.

Conflicts fade and solutions emerge when we learn about each other, and demystify the myths about others.  

What have we done? It’s a successful three fork strategic action plan; engage with TV, Print and Radio Media, engage with polarized minds and, be a catalyst in social integration.

All our work is about taking the relationships from detached estrangement to positive engagement with successful outcomes, almost all our activities are bridge building in nature. 

1. Positive engagement with Fox News, instead of running away from it. We chose to work with Sean Hannity and Stuart Varney, who finally promised not to use the phrase “Muslim Terrorist” or bash Quran.  I have been on Hannity for six years and have appeared on 110 TV shows and innumerable Syndicated Radio shows and about 5 times on Stuart Varney Show, and nearly 150 times on Fox News. Video-1Video -2

2. Unity Day USA, turning a negative 9/11 day into a positive unifying day for over 12 years in a row now.

3. Holocaust and Genocides – for 10 years now, we have been building bridges with people, and almost all communities who have endured these brutalities by coming together and seeing the humanness in each one of us and reflect on never again.

4. Thanksgiving Celebrations and Awards Night – for 18 years, we have been sharing different cultural expressions with fellow Americans.

5. Peacefully easing the Quran burning pastor Terry Jones into oblivion through non-violent positive engagement. If funds become available a documentary will be made for the Muslim world to understand free speech and for non-Muslims to clearly understand that violence is not Islamic but comes from the fringe among us.

6.  Successfully handled Quran bashing by Pastor Robert Jeffers into an educational event and creating a positive understanding about Quran among pastors, clergy, rabbis, and others. These ten pastors in Dallas will defend the sanctity of Quran with their church members, as they were a part of the solutions in the conference.  Umpteen TV and Newspaper write ups about it.

7. In Summary – over 3000 Articles on Islam, Pluralism and other matters are written. 175 TV appearances, over 150 syndicated Radio shows, and over 30 major events to bring people together.

Our mission at America Together Foundation is simply this; “To build a cohesive America where no American has to live in tension, apprehension or fear of the others.”  We need an America where Muslim, Jews, African Americans, Latinos and all others feel safe, and want their children’s life style to continue to be secure despite Trumps and other hiccups., and ;

We can do a lot more to turn things around for Muslims and fellow Americans, please donate generously at

What did I write about Sean Hannity, Stuart Varney and Fox News today?
Let me know, and I will be happy to email you.

Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, newsmaker and a professional speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslam politicshuman rights,  Terrorism,
  and foreign policy.  Mike is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. Visit him - 63 links at and his writings are at 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

First time in history – Celebration of birth of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad on the steps of Lincoln Memorial.


Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916

First time in history – Celebration of birth of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad on the steps of Lincoln Memorial.

Washington, D.C., December 22, 2015 – For the first time in the history of Christianity and Islam, the Christians and Muslims are jointly celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad, and it is on the historic steps of Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

Mike Ghouse, the Executive Director of American Muslim Institution, a proactive voice for American Muslims said, “It is a God-given opportunity to further strengthen our bonds with each other on the auspicious occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad which fall on 25th and 24th of December, respectively.  It provides us a great spiritual incentive to know each other for better.  We have an obligation to create a safe and secure America for all of us.”
Dr. Aquilur Rahman, Chairman of the AMI Board said, “We chose this location, as it signifies another great event in our history, Rev. Martin Luther King’s dream speech which became a catalyst in fulfilling the vision of our founding fathers that we are all created equal. We have one more step to take towards a cohesive America.”

It is a symbolic interfaith event with Christmas Carols and Milaad Nasheeds and a short message from faith leaders, an inclusive event to build a safe, secure and cohesive America. The more we know each other, the fewer misconceptions we will have. “

Rizwan Jaka, Chair, Board of Trustees & Interfaith Co-Chair, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) adds,“ God wants all of us to come together and create a safe and secure America for each one of us, we are all in this together, and let’s appreciate this to uphold religious freedom and  beckon a peaceful and prosperous 2016 and more.”

Syed Moktadir, President of ADAMS and the Vice Chairman of the U.S. Muslim & Christian Coalition (MCC) for the Protection of Christian and Religious Minorities in Arab World said, "the birth of Jesus and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them) brought so much blessing and light to our world that the hearts of the faithful continue to be full of love and passion for both of them and for all the prophets of God who came to guide humanity to worship God alone and unite the humanity through His worship. This event is yet another manifestation of that interfaith unity."

This is an initiative of American Muslim Institution and 
the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), one of the largest Muslim communities/mosques in the DC Metro Area and in the United States. 
PARKING - Road side parking subject to availability.

BUS & RAIL - The nearest metro stations are Foggy Bottom (23rd St. & I St. NW) and Smithsonian (12th St. &Independence Ave. SW). The Circulator Bus also runs to the Lincoln Memorial from the Union Station
 along Independence. 
# # #

  • Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916
  • Bob Marro (703) 309-6726
  • Islam Siddiqui (202) 725-7409
  • Aquilur Rahman (847) 822-9659
  • Rizwan Jaka (703) 624-6352
  • Syed Moktadir (703) 899-1132

  • Universal Peace Federation
  • World Association of NGO's (at the UN)
  • The International Cultural Center
  • Aligarh Alumni Association Washington DC
  • Islamic Society of Washington Area
  • Your Organizationplease email us the name of your org to add tp this list to -

Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino Terrorism is condemned unequivocally and its repercussions to be limited


America Together Foundation
Contact: Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916

San Bernardino Terrorism is condemned unequivocally and its repercussions to be limited  

Washington, DC, December 3, 2015 – First of all, our hearts go out to the families of the victims and their loved ones, 14 people have lost their lives to terrorism and another 17 are seriously injured. We pray with our hearts, souls and minds, asking God to guide us all to restore sanity.

It is time for the responsible agencies to study the backgrounds of the suspected terrorists Syed Farook and Tafsheen Malik to understand the sources and causes for their behavior, it is a serious breach of security and we have to take corrective actions. 

It is our duty and collective responsibility to keep law and order and faithfully guard the safety of every citizen. Hate is one of the many sources of disrupting the peace in a society and it is our duty to track down the source of such hate and work on mitigating it. We have an obligation to maintain a balance in the society.

As Americans we have deliberated on this, and we have to find solutions to the Gun violence. 

As Americans, our attitude should be, “You murdered innocent people, and you are going to pay for it, whatever the course of law allows us to impose on you, we will.”

We should not be bamboozled into believing that the criminal’s religion inspired him to do that, and spend time finding faults with his religion. He not only murdered, but is also making a fool out of us.  Why bark at the religion, it is an intangible which you cannot shoot, beat, kick, slit, hang or bury, what is that futile exercise then for? Our legitimate goal is to restore trust in the society by punishing the criminal.

No one should look to Muslims for the acts of terrorists, just as no one should slap the blame of a murderer on his family, friends, community, and mayor of the town or pastor of his church.

No one is responsible for a criminal’s acts but him. Blaming religion has not done any good to anyone, but crated greater chaos, distrust and apprehension.  
Restoring peace and sanity should be our goal.

At America Together Foundation, we are committed to building cohesive societies, where no humans to live in apprehension or fear of the other.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

American Muslims to demonstrate against ISIS on the steps of Lincoln Memorial


Mike Ghouse (214) 325-1916  

American Muslims against ISIS gather up on the steps of Lincoln Memorial

Washington, DC, October 28, 2015 – Muslims around the world and particularly Americans Muslims have been sick of the terrorists, particularly the ISIS and the Al-Qaeda guys ever since they started terrorizing the lives of innocent people. We mourn the loss of lives in France, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria and elsewhere in the world and firmly stand against the terrorists.

Given the short notice prior to the Thanksgiving weekend, the Muslims of Washington, DC have organized a gathering of Americans of different faiths to come together on the steps of Lincoln Memorial and make the statements of condemnations.
We hope this event effectively conveys a message to the terrorists that the world is against them, and that we are all in this together; opposing terrorism and condemning ISIS.  

You are all invited to join us on the steps of Lincoln Memorial:
Date: 11/20/15
Day: Friday |
Time: 3:00 -4:30 PM 

Place: On the steps of Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC


The purpose of this gathering is to send a clear message to the ISIS and their ilk, that American Muslims are angry about their actions. They are to be charged for the violations of human rights, forcing women into slavery, conversions at gun point, harassment of Christians, Yazidis, Shias, Jews, Sunnis and other minorities, and most certainly creating chaos and abusing the name of Islam. 

We cannot tolerate any of these acts and we urge our president to speak out in behalf of fellow humans,  and give them three days notice to back off, surrender, and repent for their actions or face the consequences.

We invite Americans of all faiths and no faiths to join us in standing up against ISIS.  Yes, we the Muslims are as angry as average American. Indeed, we are all in this together.

We pledge that we are one nation under the flag, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Please join us on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

War on Terror is the dumbest idea ever floated, there is another way to rid terrorism

Indeed, war on Terror is the dumbest idea ever floated, there is another way to handle it; the Islamic way
War on Terror will not work
If a thief breaks into your home, would you ask him his religion? And if he were to says, he belongs to your faith; would you let him get away?
When a terrorist attacks and claims to be a Muslim who follows Islam, would you be gullible to buy his alibi, and look for faults with his religion rather than nailing him for his acts?

Shouldn’t your attitude be, “Don’t give me that crap, I know your religion; it does not teach you to kill a single soul, let alone yourselves, I have read that myself. Shame on you to attempt to pass the buck to your religion, I am not buying it either! You committed the crime, you disturbed the peace, and you are going to pay for it.
God has created everything in balance and has given us the responsibility and a brain to preserve that balance between various elements of nature for our own good. The universe (planets, trees etc.) runs obediently and precisely as programmed (55:6) within the bounds of the universe (55:7), and he advises us to learn from nature, and not transgress (55:8). We have to act and preserve the balance, and avoid the short cuts (55:9). Mind you, the earth is for all living beings, and for each one of the 7 billion of us (55:10).
Your act of murdering fellow humans is not an act of people who follow the Quran. Your claim to follow Quran is false and baseless. Quran 5:32 says, “If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”
God advises how to deal with you; “Enjoin doing what is right and forbid doing what is wrong,” Quran 9:71. The wisdom is simple – God created everything in harmony and you have messed it up. And it is our responsibility to forbid you from doing that, and to restore harmony and cohesiveness of Allah’s creation.
We are not going to kill you blindly; we will give you ample notice to stop destroying Allah’s planet and his creation, and if you do not heed it, we will find you wherever you hide, ambush and kill you. However, Allah advises in the next verse to be kinder and gentler towards you if you reconsider and surrender.
If you repent and bow down toward Allah’s guidance to preserve the balance, and harmony of the world around you, and enjoin doing what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and keep within the bounds (respect all of his creation) set by Allah. He promises glad tidings to “all” believers (9:112), and we hope you would become a believer in the Quran that you claim.

This will put an end to the recruitment efforts of the ISIS or Al-Qaeda and cut into the roots of terrorism. Misintpretation and mistranslations of God’s word have to be brought to an end. God is not a villain and he loves every one of his creation, period. God does not favor a single soul who is not good to his creation; life and environment.We will gas you guys, not to hurt you, but to capture you and put you on trial and ask you to give up the false claims you are making about Islam. We will give you copies of the Quran and ask you to read and explain – not what is dished out to you by the Ulema (Scholars) of the past, but what the God-given common sense has allowed to you. We will give you a formula to study the Quran, don’t you read a singular verse, but study three before and three after the given verse to understand Quran’s wisdom to build cohesive societies. After all, Islam is about common sense and a faith of nature.
By the way, you don’t own Allah, the Prophet, Islam or the Quran. It is the book of wisdom for the whole humanity and I am not going to let you claim exclusive ownership of it. (Huffington Post -Quran is not for Muslims ).
Blaming the religion is the dumbest thing to do, because you cannot beat, kick, hack, shoot, hang, kill or bury a religion, it’s an intangible thing my friend! You cannot do a thing about it.
War on Islam in the guise of war on terrorism is a stupid pursuit.
When God created animals and humans, he gave horns, fangs and paws to the animals to resolve their disputes, but what did he give to humans? He gave us the ability to dialogue to resolve the conflicts. War should be the very last resort and should not be a sadistic venture.
If our objective is to punish the criminal (s), and cut down on more acts of terrorism, then blame the bloody individuals and make them pay for it. Obama did the right thing by nailing Bin Laden
Restoring peace and sanity should be our goal and not bombing and creating more chaos and terror in the name of busting terror.

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker, and a speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslampolitics, human rights, India, Israel-Palestine Terrorism and foreign policy. Over 3000 Articles have been published on the subjects. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at and bulk of his writings are at  

# Terrorism - Islamic way of dealing with Terrorism

Washington, DC, November 17, 2015 -- We have tried the Bush way and Obama way of handling terrorism, neither has worked, the first one created more of it, and second one has not mitigated it either.   As a moderate Muslim, I offer the Islamic way of handling terrorism. 

Here is the plan.

After due preparations and consultations, in behalf of the United Nations, President Obama is requested to deliver a three days notice to Mr. Baghdadi and his deputies;

“Mr. Baghdadi, you have three days to stop killing innocent people and destroying Allah’s creation; life and environment.  If you do not heed the warning, we will hunt you down and ambush wherever you hide.  If not,  we will gas you guys, few square miles at a time,  not to hurt you, but to capture and put you on trial and ask you to give up the false claims you are making about your religion.  Mind you, the Muslims soldiers from around the world will be in the front line against you.”

President to continue , “ We will give you copies of the Quran and make you read and understand until you get that right - not what is dished out to you by the Ulema (Scholars) of the past, but what God tells you in the Quran.”

The Quran tells you in 5:32, "If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people." And “Enjoin doing what is right and forbid what is wrong,” Quran 9:71. The wisdom is simple – God created everything in harmony (55:06-55:10) and you have messed it up big time. And it is our responsibility as fellow humans to forbid you from doing that, and restore harmony and cohesiveness of Allah’s creation. 

You know, Allah advises us to be kinder and gentler towards you if you reconsider and surrender. If you repent and bow down toward Allah’s guidance to preserve the balance and harmony of the world around you, we will be lenient. He promises glad tidings to "all" believers (9:112), and we hope you would become a believer in the Quran that you claim to be.

By the way, you don’t own Allah, the Prophet, Islam or the Quran.  It is the book of wisdom for the whole humanity and you cannot claim exclusive ownership of it. (Huffington Post). 

Insha Allah, we will be restoring peace and sanity to the planet.

The President concludes with this, “Blaming the religion is the dumbest thing to do, because we cannot beat, kick, hack, shoot, hang, kill or bury a religion, it’s an intangible thing my fellow Americans!  We can blame the individuals and restore trust and harmony back in the society. “

God bless America.

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker, and a speaker on PluralismInterfaithIslampoliticshuman rightsIndiaIsrael-Palestine and foreign policy. He is committed to building cohesive societies and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at and bulk of his writings are at  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Light a Candle for the Parisians

Contact: Mike Ghouse
(214) 325-1916 

American Muslim Institution condemns Paris Terror attacks.

Washington, DC, November 13, 2015 - It has been a difficult evening for the entire humanity to watch terrorists barge in places and shoot people randomly. Over a hundred people have become the victims of terror and another hundred are wounded.

While the French authorities have not formally ascribed responsibility for this act of terror to any particular group - it appears to have been committed by Islamist extremists. Regardless of the religious affiliation the perpetrators may claim, we strongly condemn this heinous terrorist crime.

We applaud the French Police for doing their best to cut down on the loss of innocent lives and finally removing the immediate threat to lives. We stand with the people and Government of France as they deal with this tragic event and bring the people behind this terrorist act to account.

Our thoughts and prayers go out for the victims and their surviving relatives. May God give them immense patience to cope with this tragedy. 

As Muslims, we are deeply offended and condemn this act of terrorism against innocent people; they have violated every societal norm as well as the rules laid by the very faith they claim to belong. This is not the act of a Muslim, but of rogues who claim to follow the faith. Quran 5:32 say, "If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people."

We have to tackle this issue head on, and cut the roots of extremism, while we are doing that, prayers and a candle vigil gives us some coherence. The children need to be with us to reassure them that God is a higher power and it gives hope and relief to all of us.

Lighting a candle is telling ourselves that we have taken the first smallest step that we can actually take, and hope and pray to find larger solutions.

Please light a candle wherever you  are to show our support to the people of France.
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Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Muslim's offer to Ben Carson and Donald Trump

Washington, DC – “Don’t we want our presidential candidates to be well informed about fellow Americans?” Instead of worrying about their misunderstandings about American Muslims and Islam, Mike Ghouse has offered free consulting services to Dr. Ben Carson, and now he extends the same to Donald Trump. 

Ghouse adds, “I hope the statements they make can square with the U.S. Constitution and common sense, and hopefully gain respect from fellow Americans who are Muslims, Mexicans and others. Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are welcome to access free counseling as well.” 

“As American Muslims we uphold, protect, defend and celebrate the values enshrined in our Constitution. Our faith reinforces the idea of one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all,” Ghouse has written. 

Since 9/11, talk show hosts, journalists, lawmakers, and thought leaders have asked, “Where are the moderate Muslims to join the debate on social, civic, religious and political issues, including racism and violent extremism?" 

"Over and over you hear it said: If Muslims oppose terrorism, why don't they stand up and say it? If that has been you, Mike Ghouse ought to be your hero,” according the Steve Blow, a columnist with the Dallas Morning News (Dallas Morning News ). 

Dr. Ghouse defines “moderate Muslim” as someone who respects the otherness of others and accepts the God-given uniqueness of each person in God’s creation. He has published more than 1000 articles on diverse aspects of Islam and maintains a blog on Quran, Sharia, Blasphemy, Apostasy, Hijab, Reforms, Ramadan, Women’s issues and community relations. He is driven by the pluralistic wisdom in Quran, and his mission is authenticated by many a verse from Quran. 

Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse has recently moved to Washington, D.C ., and has undertaken to speak up where there is public debate about Islam. He is a proud, unapologetic Moderate Muslim and a passionate advocate of pluralism in religion, society, politics, race, culture, food and governance. He is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator on pluralism and interfaith relations in America, and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. 

“The Voice of Moderate Islam in America” at

Link for the article at: 

About Dr. Mike Ghouse : 

Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, politics, human rights, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. He offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day and more about him is in 63 links at and his writings are at 

Media Contact: 
Mike Ghouse 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Where are the Moderate Muslims in America?

The Voice of Moderate Islam in America - Mike Ghouse:  
Since 9/11, Americans across the political spectrum have been asking, “Who are the authentic moderates of Islam, and where are they?” And, “Who speaks for American Muslims?” Talk show hosts, journalists, lawmakers, interfaith authorities and thought leaders have asked: Where are moderate Muslims to join the debate on social, civic, religious and political issues, including racism and violent extremism?

Their spokesman is Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse, who recently has moved to Washington, D.C.

Dr. Ghouse is a proud, unapologetic Moderate Muslim and a passionate advocate of Pluralism in religion, society, politics, race, dining, clothing, dancing, sports and every aspect of life. He is a public speaker, thinker, writer and a commentator who is considered an authority on Pluralism and Interfaith relations in America, and he offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day.

Who is a Moderate Muslim? Some one who lives his life and let others live theirs, and some one who minds his own business. He or she will not look down upon other people's faiths, traditions and practices, but considers them to be as unique as his or her own, but never inferior.  In every group; religious, social, national, political or racial, there is always the right and extreme right who is intolerant and wants to impose his or her ideals on others. The left and extreme left on the other hand has no boundaries. Moderates are usually 90% of any group, but they do not engage in anything and mind their own business and take up when things  when they really get out of hand. The new breed of Moderates like Dr. Ghouse are full of passion to save the nation and the communities for the common good of all Americans. 

What is Pluralism? It is simply, he says, “respecting the otherness of others, and accepting the God-given uniqueness of each one of the 7 billion of us. When we do that, conflicts fade and solutions emerge.”

He is respected by his peers as a patriotic American and firmly stands for the American values such as the freedoms established by the First Amendment. In fact, Dr. Ghouse considers the U.S. Constitution a sacred document that respects and honors every human being.  He exalts America’s immortal Declaration of Independence.  While living in Dallas for more than three decades, he became a fixture at Veteran’s-Day ceremonies and July 4th parades.  He has spoken at innumerable luncheons for homeless veterans and visits with veterans at VA hospitals.  Dr. Ghouse drives around the Veterans’ cemeteries on Memorial Day and offers prayers for all those who have defended our freedom.  He will fight and defend the freedom of America any time and all the times.

Dr. Ghouse also served as a Commissioner at City of Carrollton, Texas for two terms.

He has contributed significantly to the richness of America, and his gift to America would be the gift of Pluralism, an old attitude emerging as a new discipline that he intends to teach and promote through workshops. Dr. Ghouse hopes to train America’s candidates for higher office regarding what the founding fathers meant when they declared that “all humans are equal.” 

Dr. Ghouse believes in building a cohesive America, where no American has to live in apprehension or fear of the other and which will be achieved through personal interaction.   To that end, he has organized 17 Thanksgiving celebrations; 12 Unity Days USA; and 10 ceremonies to honor victims of Holocaust and Genocides.

Dedicated Both to Islam and to ‘the Other

Dr. Ghouse defines “moderate Muslim” as someone who respects the otherness of others and accepts the God-given uniqueness of each person in God’s creation.  He has published more than 1000 articles on diverse aspects of Islam and maintains a blog on QuranShariaBlasphemy, Apostasy, Hijab, Reforms, Ramadan, Women’s issues and community relations.  He is driven by the pluralistic wisdom in Quran, and his mission is authenticated by many a verse from Quran, including 49:13, which generally means because each one of us is created to be an unique individual, we are bound to have conflicts between family members, nations, religions and communities, and it is because we don’t know each other and when we start to genuinely learn about the other, myths disappear into thin air and peace dawns on us.”  There is a full video of his talk on 
Pluralism in Islam.  

Print Media: Dr. Ghouse has published more than 3000 articles on a variety of topics, of these, there more than 1000 on Pluralism, including 225 pieces on Pluralism in the “Texas Faith” column in the Dallas Morning News and 130 articles at Huffington Post.  He also has published articles on politics, foreign policy, movies, sports, culture and motivation.

TV and Radio: Dr. Ghouse has appeared in more than 150 TV shows, including 102 with Sean Hannity alone. He has served as subject expert hundreds of times on nationally syndicated radio. Many listeners have heard his informed opinions at the time of the Quran Burning issue in Mulberry, Florida, and the period of Quran Bashing in Dallas Texas.  He notably defended the 9/11 Mosque in Lower Manhattan, and he has blogged on the Peter King investigations and other issues. He is in the forefront of dealing with issues and offering pluralistic solutions.

On the day of 9/11, he was on Radio all day, taking calls from Mayors, religious and community leaders across the City to bring coherence to the chaos created on that day, and ever since, he has dedicated that day every year to serve and unite Americans for a strong America.

Politics:  A political independent, Dr. Ghouse says that he votes for the candidates who put America first, whether he or she is a Republican or Democrat. He refuses to compromise his loyalty to America with loyalty to a political party.  He maintains a blog on Politics and has written more than 300 columns on politics in America.  He has written about Presidents Bush and Obama, and presidential candidates Clinton, McCain, Romney, Gingrich, Cain, Perry, Christie, Bush, Trump and Carson.

Foreign policy:  Dr. Ghouse has always taken a moderate approach toward foreign policy issues and offered pluralistic solutions on issues of the day, including but not limited to Israel, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia and other nations. 

Human rights:  Dr Ghouse has stood up for the rights of every human regardless of his or her affiliation and has been writing a forthcoming book titled, Standing Up for Others, Standing up for the rights of all; from Atheists to Zoroastrians and every one in between including Native Americans, and the LGBT community.   This book will be dedicated to Sean Hannity, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and Harbans Lal (his first boss) with a special note.

Quran:  It is one of the most misunderstood books on the earth, even by Muslims.  He sees it as a pluralistic document to build cohesive societies, where God is not an exclusive property of anyone but a universal energy that belongs to all, loves us all, and cares for our well being.  Dr. Ghouse is producing a short book addressing the myths and facts about Quran, and this book will be dedicated to Pastor Bob Roberts of Texas, the big name among Evangelical Pastors and Imam Zia Shaikh from Irving, Texas, both of them have understood the full meaning of pluralism, i.e., respecting the otherness of others.

Film:  Sacred is a full feature film, and it is about changing perceptions about Muslims and Muslims adopting the non-violent principles enshrined in the teachings of Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Mahatma Gandhi.

Documentary: Dr. Ghouse’s documentary film in progress is premised on America’s promise that all humans are created equal. He believes that we have seen a tremendous progress since independence, but we have a lot more to do.  A rough draft of the film is in a video clip at

Pope Francis:  He is a blessing to mankind, and is one of the greatest human beings of this century.  Dr. Ghouse has written more than 25 articles on Pope Francis with lots of love and admiration for the man.

Dallas Morning News "Over and over you hear it said: If Muslims oppose terrorism, why don't they stand up and say it? If that has been you, Mike Ghouse ought to be your hero."

Phyllis Curott:  Vice Chair, Parliament of Worlds Religions," Mike Ghouse has the courage of his convictions - he carries a spark of inspiration that can only be called Divine. It illuminates the world around him, enabling him to see clearly the beauty and grace that resides in every sacred path and in each person who walks that path.” 

Religion News Service
: " (RNS) A Florida pastor plans to burn a pile of Qurans on the 9/11 anniversary, and interfaith activist Mike Ghouse says, “It is not what (the pastor) will do, it is what we do as Americans and American Muslims that matters.”

Phillip M Ramsaroop: "
I first met Dr. Ghouse in the mid-nineties as Past President and a member of the Board of the Dallas Fort Worth Hindu Temple and as a member of the Chapel Committee of Thanksgiving Square in Dallas, Texas.   I was pleasantly surprised, though a Muslim, he participated and volunteered his time and resources on the Hindu Temple’s projects and activities.  I later discovered that he did the same for other religious and cultural communities"

Mulberry Ledger : "The book burner (Terry Jones) came to Mulberry in hate and the Muslims (Mike Ghouse) came to Mulberry in peace to counter the hate. The Muslims summed it up best when they prayed for the fallen heroes who died on 9/11.”
Saudi Gazette: "Thank you for your commitment towards a peaceful solution, Mike. It is the media who should thank you for your commendable cause."

Bill Matthews:  "Mike Ghouse’ exemplary work for pluralism exudes acceptance to bridge beyond imagined differences to express the exemplary conviction that humanity lives and thrives on working together towards common goals, to overcome fear, suspicion and prejudice."

Links to the writings of Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse