Sunday, July 28, 2024

Shame on our Congressmen and Senators - seek forgiveness from the Palestinians

3 Video links are included in the article below.

behalf of Americans, I thank the people of the world for standing up for the human rights of the Palestinian people, particularly the Rabbis and the British, Canadian, Israeli, and American Jews, for standing up and upholding Jewish values of Justice. They not only talked about justice, but their activism got them arrested on Capitol Hill, not once, but twice.

My Apologies to the Ukrainians for what they are enduring from Russian aggression. Shame on our warmonger President, who did not care about them and instead equipped them with weapons to kill and get killed. 

Biden could have asked Russians and Ukrainians to have a dialogue and resolve their conflict. Russians were promised by Bush that no missile would be directed at Russia on their borders.  We violated that promise and hence their aggression. It was solvable, but the war-monger Biden wanted to show off his toughness. Did he give a crap about the Ukrainian lives? 

I apologize to the Palestinians for the reckless, idiotic policies of our president, Joe Biden, who gave bombs and weapons to Israel to kill the Palestinians - nearly 40,000 of them and displaced almost 2 million. I condemn Netanyahu and the Israeli public, represented by the Knesset, for being willing to kill the Palestinians to steal their land.

I apologize to the Israeli civilians for the loss of their nearly 1,200 lives on 10/7 and Biden's policies acted out by the war criminal Netanyahu, killing many Israeli soldiers as well. 

After President Carter, we, the people, elected muscular presidents who believed in showing off our power and supported dictators. None of them cared about human life and human rights.  All of them were prejudiced against the Palestinians, who were struggling to have their nation and live an everyday life of hope. 

Thank you, America, for embracing potential peacemakers like Kamala Harris, the British Prime Minister, the Irish PM, and the nation of South Africa to advocate for human rights. Some relevant links are provided below.

We got rid of hypocrites and warmongers like Biden and Rishi Sunak for abetting the murders of the Palestinians. The next one to go is Netanyahu. Shame on the majority of US Congress and Senate, both Democrats and Republicans, for clapping and giving a standing ovation for the lies of Netanyahu. This man wants to weaken every nation in the world by egging them on to go to war, including the United States. He is a consistent liar.

Both Hamas and Netanyahu's cabinet have been condemned by me as well as the entire world for the atrocities they heaped on civilians.

The main criminal is Biden. Shame on him for swallowing Netanyahu's lies; he said that Babies were burnt on 10/7 without asking the FBI or CIA to verify the truth. Major Newspapers found that to be false. Biden did not even try to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine. Instead, he shipped arms to Ukraine to kill and get killed and shipped arms to Israel to kill the Palestinians. If it were Jimmy Carter, he would have gotten both parties together and forged a peaceful dialogue. Biden is a warmonger with no bone of peace in his body. He should be ex-communicated from the Catholic Church.

There is no limit to the hypocrisy of Biden and Blinken; with one mouth, they condemned the aggressor Putin, but with their foul mouths, they supported Netanyahu, an uglier aggressor than Putin. I hope the American people will not forgive these men.

Below are the good men and women coming together to speak and follow through on human rights. We have to watch if Kamala means what she says, unlike the warmonger Biden.

God bless the British Prime Minister Kamala Harris and the governments of Ireland and South Africa for being true humanitarians. May God bless them and guide the sycophant Congressmen and Senators to have some common sense.

Here is the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer

Kamala Harris, presumed nominee for President

Obama could have solved the issue, but he did not

Dialogue with Netanyahu, Biden, Rishi Sunak, and Olaf Scholz is like talking to Hitler. The entire world has spoken to Biden, and thousands of appeals and petitions have been made, but Biden has yet to listen to anyone. We have to discourage the wrongdoers and support the good ones.

We need to support men and women who focus on creating cohesive societies where all humans feel secure about their faith, race, ethnicity, and other uniqueness. We should not vote for anyone who does not believe in stopping wars and conflicts.

Mike Ghouse offers pluralistic solutions to issues of the day. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Holocaust and Genocides 2020

15th Annual Holocaust and Genocides


Dr. Mike Ghouse
Center for Pluralism
Office: (202) 290-3560
Cell: (214) 325-1916

15th Annual Reflections on the Holocaust and Genocides  

The purpose of this event is education, information, and activism. We hope to learn and acknowledge our failings and make a personal commitment to our share of saying, "Never Again."

15th Annual Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Sunday, January 26, 2020
Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22201

Tickets are complimentary, but donations are accepted 

We hope you will walk out of the event with a genuine feeling of being a contributor towards building a cohesive world where no human has to live in apprehension or fear of the other. 

The Jewish community has been commemorating the Holocaust event since 1953, known as Yom HaShoah in Synagogues around the world. The general public learns it by visiting the Holocaust Museums and educational institutions.

At the Center for Pluralism, we are committed to spreading knowledge of the Holocaust and Genocide through interfaith and public events, including the Annual reflections. 


Robert F. Teitel - Holocaust Story

Dr. Gregory Stanton - Signs of Genocides

Rushan Abbas & Omer Kanat - Uyghur Updates

Dr. Wakar Uddin - Rohingya Update

Muneer Baig - Kashmir Update

Dr. TO Shanavas - India Update

Dr. Rani Khan - Peace Pledge

Dr. Mike Ghouse - Genesis of this event

Rabia Baig - Mistress of Ceremony


Nausheen Baig

Rabbi Alana Suskin

Jafer Imam

Dr. Zafar Iqbal

Charles Stevenson


Would you like to be a sponsor?

Our budget is $2000, full or any part 


Dr. Rani Khan

Dr. Mike Ghouse

Organized by:

Center for Pluralism

Our format consists of four parts; Interfaith prayers, Holocaust, Genocides, Massacred and the Pledge of Peace. Silently, we will acknowledge all suffering, but physically we are limited to a few Genocides each year. 

 This year, a Holocaust survivor will share his story, followed by updated Uyghur, Rohingya, and the signs of making of Genocide in India. I urge everyone to watch the Schindler's list and Civil War movies to grasp the signs.

I believe, when we acknowledge each other's grief and participate in each other's commemoration, we connect with the humanness within ourselves and seed the relationship of understanding and caring for each other. 

There is a shameless cruelty in us, either we shy away or refuse to acknowledge the sufferings of others, worrying that it will devalue our own, or amounts to infidelity to our pain, and every community and nation has suffered through this. To all those who have endured the Holocaust, Genocides, Massacres, Ethnic Cleansing, Land Mines, Hunger, Rape, Torture, Occupation, Expulsion, and inhuman brutality, we must say, you are not alone. The least we can do in the process of healing is to acknowledge every one's pain in one voice. 


I cannot be safe if the people around me are not, and I will not have peace if people around me don't. It is in my interest to seek a peaceful world for one and all.

This is a Muslim initiative to assure fellow humans who have endured the Holocaust, Genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacres, rapes, injustice and other atrocities that we are all in this together to create a better world. Tikkun Olam is our sacred duty. 


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List of Supporting Organizations (links embedded)

Published at 148 News Outlets
A few are listed below